Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Brushing the blogwebs off

Yeah yeah, I know..I have been a complete slacker with the blogs the last couple of months. I could come up with many excuses, but I won't even bother going there. It's not like I had a mob of people demanding a new entry. I did have Thon and Richard bug me, but despite their Italian-like methods of motivation during runs, I wouldn't call them a mob.

Instead I will just give some updates on what's going on in Mikey's world. I continued my assistant coaching duties with AustinFit, which involved the 22-miler 3 weeks before the marathon. I was signed up for the half-marathon, so this was a lot more than I needed to do. However, it was cool to be able to do that much distance just 2 months after the Dallas Marathon. I fared pretty well on the run, but I have developed a slight knee issue over the past few weeks.

Besides AustinFit, I did run a lot with Hava to help her train for her first half-marathon!! She decided to give it a try in December after watching Thon, Carrie, Amy, Venus, and myself finish the full marathon in Dallas. I am not going to lie, I was somewhat skeptical. Not because I didn't think she could physically do it, but I wasn't sure if she REALLY wanted to do it. And if you aren't mentally ready for the discipline required to train correctly, then you are setting yourself up for failure. Of course, I didn't say this to her, because I really wanted to see her accomplish it! So I set out to create a custom training schedule for her on an excel spreadsheet. It had her slowly building up to an 11 mile run 2 weeks before the race. I also mixed in speed workouts, which I thought would help her run her 11-minute planned pace comfortably.

Well, it didn't take much time for Hava to erase my skepticism. She woke up almost every scheduled morning to get her training run in. She did her leg weights religiously to keep her knee pain at bay (ok, she slacked off a bit a few weeks before the race, but whatever). I became a believer very quickly, and I was getting excited at the prospect of having a "running wife"!!! We did one speed workout per week, and she never failed to impress me with her ability to complete the workouts and finish strong. Most of her weekday runs were in our neighborhood, which is full of hills, so had all of the right training to get through the hilly AT&T Austin Half. And what made me even more impressed is that she did all of this training with a good amount of distractions, primarily travel required for work. Her 11 mile run two weeks ago was tough for her. She got through it, but it took a toll on her body. I wasn't too concerned, but I know Hava might have lost a little of her optimism at that point.

My younger sister Susan and her boyfriend Kyle were also planning on running the half with us. This was to be Kyle's first half-marathon as well. Similar to Hava, Kyle has come a LONG way to get to this point. In fact, just a few years ago he was extremely overweight and could not run a mile. Then he met my sister, who also used to be overweight but changed her life a few years ago and got into excellent shape..including finishing the Freescale Marathon in 2005. She was a huge positive influence on him. Of course, I give him just as much credit for putting Susan in a better place in life mentally. They are an awesome couple and were made for each other. Patiently waiting for Kyle to put a ring on her finger (no pressure Kyle). Bonus for me that he is a fellow Aggie!

Ok, so back to my Havalah. We all went to the race expo last Saturday and had a good time. We picked up our packets and shopped a bit. Hava was SO excited and optimistic. Once I saw that, I knew she would do just fine. She was both physically and mentally ready for the race. Barring anything unforseen, my wife was on the brink of finishing her first half-marathon! That evening, Hava and I headed to Richard and Stephanie's place for an excellent pre-race potluck. We had a great time, although Hava kept on having to hear people say how hard the race was going to be because of all of the hills. Luckily, it didn't seem to effect her attitude much! We then went home and prepared for the race..and then went to bed early.

We woke up at 4:45..it was a dry and cold morning, perfect marathon/half-marathon weather! We did our pre-run rituals, got dressed, and headed out to the starting line downtown! The race was set to start at 7, so we eventually made our way to the starting line around 6:45. Hava was bursting with excitement, which was really nice to see. We couldn't hear anything at the front of the starting line, but at 7 there were a bunch of fireworks set off and we slowly made our way to the front. It took 5 minutes just to get to the starting line!!!

We were off!! My goal was to make sure Hava didn't run too fast at first. I knew she felt great, but I also know from experience the resulting troubles of letting the adrenaline and excitement dictate your pace. As I suspected, I had to reign her in a few times. We still went a little faster than I thought we should go, but I still felt comfortable that she could maintain the pace. Susan and Kyle slowly pushed ahead, although at one point they got behind us temporalily because they stopped at the first water stop (we didn't). My parents came in to support all of us, so we got to see them first at mile 3. Hava was so excited to have them out there, it was really motivating to see them supporting us. The course wasn't too bad at first, it was flat to uphill, but mostly gradual uphill.

Hava was doing really well, by the halfway point she still felt really good and was staying hydrated and fueled (with her favorite Jelly Belly Sportz Beans). The first steep hill was at mile 7 near the Mopac Bridge. It is a short hill, but very steep. I know Hava was a bit nervous about the hills, but I repeatedly told her that she was prepared for this. We got to the hill and I told her to take nice and short steps and control her breathing. She did just that and we greeted by my parents at the top of the hill! Once again, it was very motivational to see them, especially after getting to the top of the first difficult hill. The remaining 6 miles were basically up and down hills. Hava stayed pretty strong, although a few of the hills took a lot out of her. However, she recovered very quickly, which I reminded her was a direct result of all of her hill and speed training. We split off from the Marathon on Windsor and eventually got to the second-to-last big hill. It looked tough, and as we ascended we saw a lot of people walking up the hill. I looked at Hava and said something to the effect of "You are better than that..you will not stop running..you trained for this!". I don't remember the exact wording, but I temporarily became a drill sergeant. Turns out she was laughing in her head about my words and tone, but guess what, she made it to the top without stopping. And once again, she recovered quickly. Most importantly, we left all of the people that walked in the dust!

Before we got to the last big hill, we were greeted by Thon right around his house. He ran with us for a couple of minutes and gave Hava some encouragement. He told her how strong she looked....he was not just saying it to make her feel better. She DID look strong!! I was so proud of her, even before she finished. We got to the last big hill around mile 11 on Enfield, it was not only steep, but long. I told her that she just need to make it through this hill and after that it would be a lot easier to the finish. Once again, she didn't fail to impress and charged up the hill.

Around mile 12, I told Hava that once we got to Congress that she should crank up the speed if she had it in her. Once we passed around the capitol, Hava turned on the afterburners and started to run a sub-10 minute mile. And as the finish line came into site, she started to speed up even more. My garmin was registering an 8:50! At one point, I even lagged behind her because she surprised me with a burst of speed. I caught up to her a few feet before the finish and we finished together..final chip time, 2 hours and 17 minutes.

Hava averaged a 10:29 pace, 30 seconds faster than what we thought she would do it in!! Most importantly, she thoroughly enjoyed the experience!! Kyle and Susan finished in 2:10, which was a PR for Susan and an excellent finishing time for Kyle as a first-timer!! As for me, I had the best half-marathon experience I have ever had. It was really nice to just enjoy the run, the people around us, and watching Hava not only achieve her goal, but achieve it with style!!!

How's that for a comeback blog? Congrats to all of my friends who finished the half or full this past weekend! And thanks to Thon and Richard for being out there to support all of us!

Monday, January 08, 2007

30K with Austin Fit

On Saturday I did a 30K run with AustinFit. The course was meant to mimic some of the AT&T Marathon course. It was a pretty challenging course, with many upward inclines and hills on Exposition. I was not sure how well I would do..or if I would make it at all, but I kept a positive attitude. Seriously, it has been less than a month since the marathon!

I ended up doing pretty well overall. The assistant coach position with Austin Fit doesn't entail too many duties, but one of them is to stay back with people who are having a hard time. On Saturday a fellow Austin Fitter was having some knee issues, so I stayed back with him for about 4 miles. At mile 15, we were a good quarter mile or more behind the group. By this time, the guy was in pretty bad shape, so he decided he was going to walk back to the Austin Fit parking lot (about a mile away if you didn't follow the course). So I decided to speed up and try to catch my group! For two miles I ran a sub 8 pace and came within 20 seconds of my group. I was able to maintain this, but I never got any closer. Around mile 17 I started to get pretty damn weak.. I basically hit "the wall" and struggled to the finish. Someone was nice enough to provide beer and champagne at the end, that was yum!

It was still a good run for me, my legs feel good and I fell like I am getting my cardio back!

The rest of the weekend was great, mostly spending time with Hava. Yesterday Hava went to a wedding expo with Tracy (she just got engaged to Raul) and she won a 5 night cruise!!!! We're going to try to go on our 1 year anniversary in September. Last night we met up with Thon, Richard, Stephanie, and Stephen to see Children of Men. It is a must see.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My new hero

I've heard of Dean Karnazes before, even read of some of his exploits, but until I read this article from Wired magazine I never realized just how much of a true superhuman he is. So now I have found a new hero and fresh inspiration. He went from a 30 year old 9-5 family guy (who also drank too much) to a superhuman ultramarathoner.

I have no wishes, hopes, or even dreams of attaining the level of fitness and dedication he has achieved (he only sleeps 4 hours a night!!!), but he serves as a great role model for myself and anyone who aspires to make themselves better people.

The article has many great tips, make sure to check it out!

Cheers, Mr. Karnazes!

Running report: My first run of 2007 was decent, 5.3 miles through my hilly Lantana neighborhood. Mentally it feels great to be back!! Hava and I will be doing a fartlek run tomorrow. I also signed up for a online running log so I can keep to one of my goals this year! It is a pretty neat web site called Running Ahead.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 Goals

My fellow Gazelle/blogger Frank published his running and personal goals for 2007. I think that is a great idea, so here goes:

  • Stay healthy (this is Frank's first goal too, makes sense to me!)
  • Continue to strengthen my friendship and love with Hava
  • Continue to keep a healthy balance between running for pleasure and running to attain goals
  • PR in the 3M half
  • Run the AT&T Half with Hava (it will be her first!)
  • Train hard and consistently through the Spring and Summer to keep my base fitness and increase my speed. Strengthen my core.
  • Keep a training log so I can actually keep track of my weekly, monthly, and yearly mileage!
  • Run 1-2 marathons this year
  • Get out of my comfort zone in Gazelle's and make more friends!
  • Make my current Gazelle friendships even stronger

Happy New Year! I hope all of you reach your goals, whatever they are.