Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My new hero

I've heard of Dean Karnazes before, even read of some of his exploits, but until I read this article from Wired magazine I never realized just how much of a true superhuman he is. So now I have found a new hero and fresh inspiration. He went from a 30 year old 9-5 family guy (who also drank too much) to a superhuman ultramarathoner.

I have no wishes, hopes, or even dreams of attaining the level of fitness and dedication he has achieved (he only sleeps 4 hours a night!!!), but he serves as a great role model for myself and anyone who aspires to make themselves better people.

The article has many great tips, make sure to check it out!

Cheers, Mr. Karnazes!

Running report: My first run of 2007 was decent, 5.3 miles through my hilly Lantana neighborhood. Mentally it feels great to be back!! Hava and I will be doing a fartlek run tomorrow. I also signed up for a online running log so I can keep to one of my goals this year! It is a pretty neat web site called Running Ahead.

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