Tuesday, November 21, 2006

7-mile run in the 'hood

Today I decided to do 7 easy miles around my neighborhood. I usually prefer running at Town Lake, but the main benefit of starting from my home is that I can wake up 30-40 minutes later.

Since I recently moved to the area, I am still figuring out various routes I can take to get different mileage. Today I decided to run a route very similar to one I did a few weeks ago. It is fun because I not only get to run, but I also get to explore the area around my neighborhood. I also have incorporated a little running through the grounds of my employer, Freescale.

The neat thing about the Freescale grounds is that they have some walking trails through the greenbelt. I've worked here over 6 years, and never knew until two weeks ago that these trails even existed. They aren't very long, but I have incorporated them into my 7-mile run because it takes me off the roads for about 1.5-2 miles. One part of the trail even passes a really old graveyard! I haven't stopped to look at it yet, but it is pretty neat to know it is there.

Hava did a 30-minute run this morning. She took a side trip to one of the houses being built in our neighborhood and said it was gorgeous inside. We actually happened to meet the people who are having it built, and they seemed very nice. I ended up seeing her the last mile of her run, up the big ass hill we have to climb to get back to our house. She looks so cute in her running gear. :-)

So what's next for the week? Meeting with Thon, Amy, and Carrie for 8 miles tomorrow morning. Thursday is the Turkey Trot in Ft. Worth, where I just might try to PR in the 5K race. This will also double as a speed workout (tempo run!). Then I am taking Friday off to finish the Turkey and Stuffing Digestion Process (TSDP). Saturday I am going to run around 15 on on the Mineral Wells Trail in Weatherford. I'm trying to get 30-35 miles for the week.

For all 2 of you who read this, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

my mikey is HOT