Thursday, November 09, 2006

Humid run around the lake

I got outside this morning and was greeted by a 72 degree temp. mixed with lots of humidity. What is going on here, is it November or what!!!??? Oh well, I guess it serves as a reminder to not take the crisp, cool mornings for granted.

The initial plan was to run some sort of fartlek run this morning. I got to Runtex and as I was walking to meet Thon when I saw Alex and invited him to run with us. I was not feeling all that great (it turns out leftover Sausage Lover's pizza isn't the best pre-run meal) and Thon seemed to be in a slight running funk, so we decided to do 4 easy miles instead of a fartlek.

It was an uneventful run, Alex wanted to get another mile or so in so he kept going as Thon and I crossed over the 1st Street bridge to complete our loop. When Thon and I were crossing, we came to the consensus that this was an "off" week for us. It makes sense, especially for Thon. He hasn't had an off week for many eons. Also, I think the half-marathon drained him both mentally and physically, so he really needed to take it easy this week to get back into the zone. I have no doubts that he will come back strong next week. Hopefully he'll also rub off on me for this final stretch to the Dallas Marathon on December 10th.

Next week is our last tough week before a 3-week taper. I am hoping to get 40-50 miles worth of running, which includes our last 20-miler a week from this Saturday.

Tonight we are meeting up with my running wife Carrie (I'll explain in another blog someday) and her fiance' Shawn to properly send Carrie off for her Ironman World Championship race on Saturday. We're really excited for her and plan on tracking her along the way. Good luck Carrie!!

1 comment:


Thanks Hubby! See you tonight!!