Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Solo 7-miler

Thon and I had planned on meeting up for an 8-mile run this morning, but he wasn't able to make it at the last minute. So instead of going to Runtex I went to my old starting point under the Mopac bridge and did the 7-mile route all by my lonesome. It was a decent morning..in the mid-50's but very humid. I felt pretty good cardio-wise, but my legs were pretty tired. I finished in 1:03, which made for a nice 9-minute per mile pace.

I got home earlier than usual and was able to make myself a yummy egg and veggie sausage breakfast! Hava is leaving for Seattle today, so I have to fend for myself for the next few days. Thon and Richard might come over tonight to keep me company. Oh and also to watch House and the election returns.

Speaking of the election returns, I am crossing my fingers and hoping that the Democrats can take back at least one side of the legislative branch. It's time to get more balance (and common sense) back in our government!!!! It looks like we have a pretty good chance, especially in the House.

Whatever your voting preference is though, go out and vote today if you haven't already!

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